Category: Data Matching


Avoid double dipping on your deductions

Taxpayers are reminded not to make the mistake of ‘double dipping’ on deductions (that is, claiming expenses twice) in their tax return this year. Some of theses ‘double dipping’ mistakes include: Working from home expenses A common mistake involves using the ‘shortcut method’ to claim working from home expenses and then claiming additional amounts for

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Data Matching

New ATO data-matching programs

The ATO has advised that it will engage in two new data-matching programs, as outlined below: • The ATO will acquire novated lease data from McMillan Shakespeare Group, Smartgroup Corporation, SG Fleet Group, Eclipx Group, LeasePlan, Toyota Fleet Management, LeasePLUS, and Orix Australia for 2018/19 through to 2022/23 financial years (relating to approximately 260,000 individuals

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